New Hope greeters Sis. Carla Frances & Elder Westmoreland New Hope greeters are standing by to welcome you!
Minister Anthony Drummond Preaching God's word weekly
Sis. Theresa Drummond Sharing God's word through song.
Elder Janet Kenner Praying for our church family and the world
New Hope in Prayer We're praying for you and our Community!
New Hope Community Outreach
Stoop Life 4 Christ Youth Community Outreach
Stoop Life 4 Christ Creation Museum Trip
Community Guest Day
Community Guest Day Manuel & Denise Avitia
Ministering to the Oak Park Community
Ministering in Music
Community Guest Day
Ministering in Music
June 10, 2023, Blood Drive We're making a difference in the Oak Park Community.
New Hope Blood Drive Success
New Hope members giving the gift of life
Blood Drive sign in table


Luke was a physician and a close friend of the apos­tle Paul. Luke’s Gospel is noted for several features. It is the only book in all the Bible written by a non-Jew.

Luke was a Greek man from the city of Philippi and joined Paul in Troas, a port city on the west coast of Asia Minor. So Luke’s story of the growth of the Christian faith reflects some of his non-Jewish perspectives.

Luke tells about the racial tolerance of Jesus and also the significance of women in His ministry. For example, only Luke tells about the Good Samaritan, a story of interracial acceptance. And only the Book of Luke tells about the early years of Jesus with Mary, His mother.

Luke was the first Christian historian, writing both a Gospel and the book of Acts. His work is exact, careful, and descriptive.