New Hope greeters Sis. Carla Frances & Elder Westmoreland New Hope greeters are standing by to welcome you!
Minister Anthony Drummond Preaching God's word weekly
Sis. Theresa Drummond Sharing God's word through song.
Elder Janet Kenner Praying for our church family and the world
New Hope in Prayer We're praying for you and our Community!
New Hope Community Outreach
Stoop Life 4 Christ Youth Community Outreach
Stoop Life 4 Christ Creation Museum Trip
Community Guest Day
Community Guest Day Manuel & Denise Avitia
Ministering to the Oak Park Community
Ministering in Music
Community Guest Day
Ministering in Music
June 10, 2023, Blood Drive We're making a difference in the Oak Park Community.
New Hope Blood Drive Success
New Hope members giving the gift of life
Blood Drive sign in table


The book of Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament. It's named after the prophet Obadiah, whose name signifies “servant of Jehovah.” Obadiah was a common name among the Jews of Old Testament times.

The book is directed to the people of Edom. Obadiah predicts that God will punish them for their cruel at­titude toward Judah at a time when Judah needed help. The Edomites not only rejoiced over the fall of Jerusalem but apparently aided the invader and took advantage of Judah's plight to help themselves.

The Edomites were descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob. The hostility between these two groups was bitter and probably stemmed from the conflict between Jacob and Esau over the family birthright.

Obadiah ends with a series of promises for Judah:

“​​But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their [own] possessions” (Obadiah 1:17).