New Hope greeters Sis. Carla Frances & Elder Westmoreland New Hope greeters are standing by to welcome you!
Minister Anthony Drummond Preaching God's word weekly
Sis. Theresa Drummond Sharing God's word through song.
Elder Janet Kenner Praying for our church family and the world
New Hope in Prayer We're praying for you and our Community!
New Hope Community Outreach
Stoop Life 4 Christ Youth Community Outreach
Stoop Life 4 Christ Creation Museum Trip
Community Guest Day
Community Guest Day Manuel & Denise Avitia
Ministering to the Oak Park Community
Ministering in Music
Community Guest Day
Ministering in Music
June 10, 2023, Blood Drive We're making a difference in the Oak Park Community.
New Hope Blood Drive Success
New Hope members giving the gift of life
Blood Drive sign in table


Start the day with a thankful attitude. It's in the Bible, Psalm 92:1-2, TLB. "It is good to say thank you to the Lord, to sing praises to the God who is above all gods. Every morning tell him, 'Thank you for Your kindness,' and every evening rejoice in all His faithfulness."

One of the first marks of rejecting God is forgetting to thank him. It's in the Bible, Romans 1:21, TLB. "Yes, they knew about Him all right, but they wouldn't admit it or worship Him or even thank Him for all his daily care. And after awhile they began to think up silly ideas of what God was like and what He wanted them to do. The result was that their foolish minds became dark and confused."

Give thanks in every situation. It's in the Bible, I Thessalonians 5:18, NIV. "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

In giving thanks to God; don't forget from where our blessings come. It's in the Bible, Psalms 103: 2, NIV. "Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits."